Section: New Results

Network measurement, modeling and understanding

Participants : Chadi Barakat, Arnaud Legout, Ashwin Rao, Walid Dabbous, Tessema Mindaye, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Dong Wang, Vincent Roca, Ludovic Jacquin, Byungchul Park.

The main objective of our work in this domain is a better monitoring of the Internet and a better understanding of its traffic. We work on new measurement techniques that scale with the fast increase in Internet traffic and growth of its size. We propose solutions for a fast and accurate identification of Internet traffic based on packet size statistics and host profiles. Within the ANR CMON project, we work on monitoring the quality of the Internet access by end-to-end probes, and on the detection and troubleshooting of network problems by collaboration among end users.

Next, is a sketch of our main contributions in this area.

  • Checking Traffic Differentiation at the Internet Access


    In the last few years, ISPs have been reported to discriminate against specific user traffic, especially if generated by bandwidth-hungry applications. The so-called network neutrality, advocating that an ISP should treat all incoming packets equally, has been a hot topic ever since. We propose Chkdiff, a novel method to detect network neutrality violations that takes a radically different approach from existing work: it aims at both application and differentiation technique agnosticism. We achieve this in three steps. Firstly, we perform measurements with the user’s real traffic instead of using specific application traces. Secondly, we do not assume that discrimination takes place on any particular packet field, which requires us to preserve the integrity of all the traffic we intend to test. Thirdly, we detect differentiation by comparing the performance of a traffic flow against that of all other traffic flows from the same user, considered as a whole.

    Chkdiff is based on the following key ideas:

    Idea 1: Use real user traffic. We want to test the existence of traffic discrimination for the exact set of applications run by the end user. Hence, we only consider user-generated traffic.

    Idea 2: Leave user traffic unchanged, or almost. All methods performing active measurements send probes made of real application packets and of packets that are similar, but slightly modified, so that they do not get discriminated along their path. This is quite an assumption, as we do not know exactly what ISPs do behind the scenes. In the extreme case, ISPs could even white-list traffic generated by differentiation detecting tools. It is therefore crucial to preserve as much of the original packets as possible, as well as their original per-flow order. We will see that the modifications introduced by our tool affect only the ordering of packets, their TTL value or their IP identification field.

    Idea 3: Baseline is the entire traffic performance. Since we do not want to make any hypothesis in advance on what kind of mechanisms - if any - are deployed, we claim that the performance of each single non-differentiated flow should present the same behaviour as that of the rest of our traffic as a whole. Differentiated flows, on the other hand, should stand out when compared to all other flows grouped together, where a large fraction of non-differentiated flows should mitigate the impact of differentiated ones.

    Chkdiff is currently the subject of a collaboration with I3S around the PhD thesis of Riccardo Ravaioli (funded by the Labex UCN@Sophia). A first description of the tool is presented in [63] .


  • Lightweight Enhanced Monitoring for High-Speed Networks


    Within the collaboration with Politecnico di Bari, we worked on LEMON, a lightweight enhanced monitoring algorithm based on packet sampling. This solution targets a pre-assigned accuracy on bitrate estimates, for each monitored flow at a router interface. To this end, LEMON takes into account some basic properties of the flows, which can be easily inferred from a sampled stream, and exploits them to dynamically adapt the monitoring time-window on a per-flow basis. Its effectiveness is tested using real packet traces. Experimental results show that LEMON is able to finely tune, in real-time, the monitoring window associated to each flow and its communication overhead can be kept low enough by choosing an appropriate aggregation policy in message exporting. Moreover, compared to a classic fixed-scale monitoring approach, it is able to better satisfy the accuracy requirements of bitrate estimates. Finally, LEMON incurs a low processing overhead, which can be easily sustained by currently deployed routers, such as a CISCO 12000 device. This work is currently under submission.


  • The Complete Picture of the Twitter Social Graph


    In this work [49] , we collected the entire Twitter social graph that consists of 537 million Twitter accounts connected by 23.95 billion links, and performed a preliminary analysis of the collected data. In order to collect the social graph, we implemented a distributed crawler on the PlanetLab infrastructure that collected all information in 4 months. Our preliminary analysis already revealed some interesting properties. Whereas there are 537 million Twitter accounts, only 268 million already sent at least one tweet and no more than 54 million have been recently active. In addition, 40% of the accounts are not followed by anybody and 25% do not follow anybody. Finally, we found that the Twitter policies, but also social conventions (like the followback convention) have a huge impact on the structure of the Twitter social graph.


  • Meddle: Middleboxes for Increased Transparency and Control of Mobile Traffic


    Mobile networks are the most popular, fastest growing and least understood systems in today's Internet ecosystem. Despite a large collection of privacy, policy and performance issues in mobile networks users and researchers are faced with few options to characterize and address them. In this work [62] we designed Meddle, a framework aimed at enhancing transparency in mobile networks and providing a platform that enables users (and researchers) control mobile traffic. In the mobile environment, users are forced to interact with a single operating system tied to their device, generally run closedsource apps that routinely violate user privacy, and subscribe to network providers that can (and do) transparently modify, block or otherwise interfere with network traffic. Researchers face a similar set of challenges for characterizing and experimenting with mobile systems. To characterize mobile traffic and design new protocols and services that are better tailored to the mobile environment, we would like a framework that allows us to intercept and potentially modify traffic generated by mobile devices as they move with users, regardless of the device, OS, wireless technology, or carrier. However, implementing this functionality is difficult on mobile devices because it requires warrantyvoiding techniques such as jail breaking to access and manipulate traffic at the network layer. Even when using such an approach, carriers may manipulate traffic once it leaves the mobile device, thus rendering some research impractical. Furthermore, researchers generally have no ability to deploy solutions and services such as prefetching and security filters, that should be implemented in the network. In this work, we designed Meddle, a framework that combines virtual private networks (VPNs) with middleboxes to provide an experimental platform that aligns the interests of users and researchers.


  • Mobile users' behavior modeling in Video on Demand systems and its implication on user privacy and caching strategies


    In this project, we examine mobile users' behavior and their corresponding video viewing patterns from logs extracted from the servers of a large scale VoD system. We focus on the analysis of the main discrepancies that might exist when users access the VoD system catalog from WiFi or 3G connections. We also study factors that might impact mobile users' interests and video popularity. The users' behavior exhibits strong daily and weekly patterns, with mobile users' interests being surprisingly spread across almost all categories and video lengths, independently of the connection type. However, by examining the activity of users individually, we observed a concentration of interests and peculiar access patterns, which allows to classify the users and thus better predict their behavior. We also find the skewed video popularity distribution and demonstrate that the popularity of a video can be predicted using its very early popularity level. We then analyzed the sources of video viewing and found that even if search engines are the dominant sources for a majority of videos, they represent less than 10% (resp. 20%) of the sources for the highly popular videos in 3G (resp. WiFi) network. We also report that both the type of connection and the type of mobile device used have an impact on the viewing time and the source of viewing. Using our findings, we provide insights and recommendations that can be used to design intelligent mobile VoD systems and help in improving personalized services on these platforms. This work has been published in IMC 2012 [54] .


  • Explicative models for Information Spreading on the web from a user profiling perspective


    Microblog services offer a unique approach to online information sharing allowing microblog users to forward messages to others. We study the process of information diffusion in a microblog service developing Galton-Watson with Killing (GWK) model, which has many implications ranging from privacy protection to experiments validation and benchmarking. We describe an information propagation as a discrete GWK process based on Galton-Watson model which models the evolution of family names. Our model explains the interaction between the topology of the social graph and the intrinsic interest of the message. We validate our models on dataset collected from Sina Weibo and Twitter microblogs. Sina Weibo is a Chinese microblog web service which reached over 100 million users as for January 2011. Our Sina Weibo dataset contains over 261 thousand tweets which have retweets and 2 million retweets from 500 thousand users. Twitter dataset contains over 1.1 million tweets which have retweets and 3.3 million retweets from 4.3 million users. The results of the validation show that our proposed GWK model fits the information diffusion of microblog service very well in terms of the number of message receivers. We show that our model can be used in generating tweets load and also analyze the relationships between parameters of our model and popularity of the diffused information. Our work is the first to give a systemic and comprehensive analysis for the information diffusion on microblog services, to be used in tweets-like load generators while still guaranteeing popularity distribution characteristics. Our paper illustrating this study will be presented in IEEE Infocom 2013 [69] .


  • Tracking ICMP black holes at an Internet Scale


    ICMP is a key protocol to exchange control and error messages over the Internet. An appropriate ICMP's processing throughout a path is therefore a key requirement both for troubleshooting operations (e.g. debugging routing problems) and for several functionalities (e.g. Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery, PMTUD). Unfortunately it is common to see ICMP malfunctions, thereby causing various levels of problems. In our study, we first introduce a taxonomy of the way routers process ICMP, which is of great help to understand for instance certain traceroute outputs. Secondly we introduce IBTrack, a tool that any user can use to automatically characterize ICMP issues within the Internet, without requiring any additional in-network assistance (e.g. there is no vantage point). Finally we validate our IBTrack tool with large scale experiments and we take advantage of this opportunity to provide some statistics on how ICMP is managed by Internet routers. This work has been presented in IEEE Globecom [51] .